Monday, 26 May 2014

Bye, bye and have fun!

Right, guys... this is the end!

Thank you for getting into this and doing your blogs! 

For me, it was a very positive experience. I really had fun watching your videos and activities, as well as getting to know a little bit more about you through them sometimes :)

What about you? Did you like writing the blog or not? What did you like the most? Do you have any negative comment for it? Would you change anything?

Write a final post saying goodbye and writing your personal opinion! (PS: You can also add some funny icon of yourself, if you want to)

Monday, 12 May 2014

My Disney Timeline

I have already watched a lot of Disney movies throughout my life, and I have loved most of them!

Here you have the timelime with my favourite disney movies :)

Guess what you have to do now... 

Yes! You have to create your own Timeline with Dipity and add, at least, 10 items including information and an image or a video! 
Have fun!